Ed Edison aka Weird Ed is the son of Dr. Fred Edison and Edna Edison. He likes modelling craft and has great love for his pet hamster.
Maniac Mansion[]
He seems to be obsessed with the military. He is dressed in khaki green, his bed cover has a camouflage pattern, and a wall of his room has a chart.
Ed started suspecting the influence of the evil Meteor on his father's mind. Hoping to get rid of him, he ordered a commando pack to make an assault in the Doctor's lab and destroy the meteor. For that he had stolen a card of his father, which he hid inside his hamster cage.
He first appears in a cutscene, saying that he is hungry, and goes to the kitchen (if any kid is in a corridor between his room and the kitchen, he will capture and take them to the dungeon). At the refrigerator he looks for cheese for himself and his hamster (the cheese sometimes can be used to befriend the Green Tentacle; if the kids had taken the cheese earlier, he will leave disappointed).
He later visits his mother and expresses his worries that his father has not eaten/slept for five years and his new weird interests such as collecting dead bodies to the basement for his evil experiments although his mother dismisses them as natural, and says that she is busy.
Later his father visits him in his room because the meteor wants to borrow his hamster and electric cattle prod. Ed says that NOBODY touches his hamster, which makes sense as he had hid his father's card key in its cage. Dr. Fred warns him that he is going to piss off the meteor, who already suspects Ed for stealing the purple card key that leads to its room.
Whenever the door bell is rung, Ed will leave his room to go to the main entrance expecting his commando package. Again he might capture any kid standing in his way. At some point a postman comes and delivers the package. If Ed takes his package before the player, it is impossible to trigger Michael's scenario. Also Syd/Razor and Wendy need the stamps from the package.
Ed can catch a kid when anyone enters his room, including if he meets a kid on his way to the door when his package arrives.
- If a kid steals his hamster and then returns it to him, he will befriend that kid for a while same kid will stay in Ed's room.
- If Michael develops the Undeveloped Film, Ed's friend can give him the Prints. This will help him get rid of the Purple Tentacle.
- If Syd or Razor kills the hamster in the microwave oven and a kid gives its remains to Ed, he will return the favor to that kid's life.
Day of the Tentacle[]
The kidnapping of his hamster and robbing of his piggy bank were those traumatic experiences which, according to his psychiatrist, made him block out that era from his memory. By the second game he is seeing having stamp collecting as a hobby.
Bernard Bernoulli pretends to spoil his album with invisible ink which enrages Ed and throws the album violently at him, helping Bernard to get a stamp. Then he returns the album with the ink gone advising Ed to control his anger.
"He hasn't eaten in 5 years [...] and he's been bringing those bodies, and he carries those bodies to the basement at night."
Ed's conversation with his mother mentions that his father hasn't eaten for five years, which Nintendo found suggestive of cannibalism in the NES version of the game (although it was not the actual meaning of the dialogue) thus it was changed to "He hasn't slept in..."[1]
In Zak McKracken and the Alien Mindbenders, at some point Ed leaves a message to Zak's answering machine. He offers to pick him and Sandy with his Edsel and take them to a monster truck show.