The Meteor is a sentient, glowing piece of rock from space. It is a criminal wanted by the Meteor Police for unspecified "terrible acts of violence". It oozes purple slime and attacks with radiation waves.
It fell near Dr. Fred Edison's mansion some 20 years before Maniac Mansion. Since then, it began having an effect on Dr. Fred who neglected his family and started doing weird experiments; it wants to manipulate the Dr's mind in order to take over the world.
The Meteor seems to be immobile however it can communicate, and it even wrote its memoirs.
Having plans for world domination, it has ordered Dr. Fred to kidnap Sandy Pantz and remove her brains.
The fate of the Meteor differs according to the multiple endings of the game. The Meteor:
- Is put in the Weird Edsel's trunk and then flown to space (but then is seen driving the car)
- Is given to man-eating plant and devoured (said to be possible only in the NES version)
- Becomes a literary star when its memoirs are corrected by Wendy and published. He appears at Wink Smiley's talk show.
- Is arrested by the Meteor Police, when contacted by Bernard Bernoulli
- If both of the above happen, the Meteor is at Smiley's talk show when the Meteor Police beams down and interrupts it, and captures the Meteor.
- The Meteor was inspired from a story in the 1982 film Creepshow.[1]
- The Meteor is mentioned in the game Zak McKracken and the Alien Mindbenders. A Wanted Poster is found in the Katmandu police station.
- A meteor fragment appears in Indiana Jones' office in the games Last Crusade and Fate of Atlantis.
- In The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind, Charles the Plant (referencing Chuck the Plant) provides a unique ingredient called "Meteor Slime".