Maniac Mansion Wiki

Is the beautiful leader of the punk rock band Razor and the SCUMMettes. She knows a lot of music and is able to play many instruments. She has the same role in the game as Syd.

She can record her piano playing to show to the Green Tentacle who in return will give its demo tape. Giving to it the contract of Mark Eteer, he will become an ally.

If she sends to Eteer her own playing, she will receive the contract which is useless to the game; if she shows it to Green, it will become angry and kill her.


  • A rumor says that she is based on the girlfriend of Gary Winnick called Ray.[1]
  • Another rumor says that she is based on the singer / songwriter Tori Amos, particularly on the cover of Y Kant Tori Read, an album by her failed group of the same name.
  • Her group, the SCUMMettes, is a reference to the SCUMM game engine, that was developed for the Maniac Mansion, adding the French ending -ettes, frequently seen in American all-girls bands, like the Ikettes, the Mirettes, the Rockettes, the Bobbettes, the Cernettes etc.
  • There is a reference to her music in Zak McKracken: Melissa has one cassette with their song "Inda Glop Oda Krell". It can be listened using her boom box.
  • The game Full Throttle also features a character called Razor in the credits, with similar hair.