State University is the place where the kids study, and Sandy Pantz is a cheerleader.
- Winnick Hall
- Room 3748: State University Vocational Office, 555-8745 x7654. Some individuals offer summer jobs: Dr. Fred asks for Technical Lab Assistant; Officer Friendly asks for an Informant (someone who wants to rat on their friends at dorm parties) offering $10 per conviction; Chef Greezy asks for a pre-Med kitchen aAssistant for the dorm cafeteria; students on football scholarships are asked to keep football field cleared of snow during summer ($130/hour).
- Wilmunder Hall
- Room 6723, 555-8745 x7490: State University Meteorites, Athletic Department. Sandy Pantz is chief cheerleader.
- Porter Hole Hall
- Room 404, 555-1467: Michael F. Stoppe's office
- Sandy Pantz also has a room there.
- Biology Department
- Chairman is Prof. Dilkmore. The dpt. has a Pet Octopus of which 2 tentacles were removed.
- Football field
- Dr. Norman Wattle discusses the effects of radioactive waste on plant life, as a part of an Anti-Nuclear rally.